Re: gooing with rsvg

On Sun, 2010-01-31 at 19:17 +0200, donn wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to use rsvg to render an "Item" (or something) to the 
> canvas that is actually drawn via rsvg? Something like this:
> ctx = canvas.create_cairo_context()
> svg = rsvg.Handle(file="test.svg")
> svg.render_cairo(ctx)

I created a simple SVG canvas item a while back, which I've attached. I
think gcompris uses SVG quite a bit so you could look at that as well.

> Also, is it possible to use standard pycairo commands to draw stuff to 
> the canvas or an item?

If you create your own python item, I think you have to do that. There
may be examples in the python bindings.


Attachment: svg-canvas-item.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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