Re: Stack order and raise_

thanks Brandon for the explanation,

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 02:13:17AM -0700, Brandon Lewis wrote:
> Alessandro Dentella wrote:
> I believe you're complicating matters by using groups. I don't think you  
> can raise the child of a group to a higher drawing order than the parent  
> group itself (think depth-first traversal of a tree).

the docs don't mention this limitation, so it was not obvious to me.  

> I'm not sure why you have those two groups. Are they there for a reason?  

In the application I'm writing (a simple calendar + events) I have calendar
days, that belong to days or weeks (it seems very reasonable as far as
positioning is concerned and is natural to think that when you delete the
week all the appointments of the week vanish toghether), but events
(appointments) need to be moved around. That's why I wanted that events stay
on top of all other objects even if they belong to some lower level
group. In the actual iplementation as soon as you drop it, it changes the
parent and it regains the visibility, but in the moving it disappears if it
enters groups that where created before its own parent group.


Sandro Dentella  *:-)        SQLkit home page - PyGTK/python/sqlalchemy

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