Groups inside Tables: Weirdness

This patch for table-demo shows some weirdness when putting a group
(containing a regular item) inside a table:
1. The items are sometimes not drawn. In another more complicated test
case, I've seen the items all being drawn in cell 0,0.
2. When you scroll down and up again, the first row of tables is not
redrawn, making it disappear.

I would expect the items to be drawn as if there was no group in the
heirarchy, because I have not done any transformation or set any
properties on the group. Is that what's meant to happen?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

Index: demo/table-demo.c
--- demo/table-demo.c	(revision 15)
+++ demo/table-demo.c	(working copy)
@@ -27,11 +27,21 @@
 	     gboolean       y_fill)
   GooCanvasItem *item;
+  GooCanvasItem *inner_item;
+  item = goo_canvas_group_new (table, NULL);
+  inner_item = goo_canvas_rect_new (item, 0, 0, width, height,
+			      "stroke-color", "black",
+			      "fill-color", "red",
+			      NULL);
+  /* The old code:
   item = goo_canvas_rect_new (table, 0, 0, width, height,
 			      "stroke-color", "black",
 			      "fill-color", "red",
+  */
   goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties (table, item,
 					"row", row,

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