problems with gnumerics tests, did e.g. the applix import ever succeed?

hello @all,

I'm still trying to get a clean tested! gnumeric version up and running, and in that have some fails in the testsuite complaining 'SHA1 new is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, expected was: yyyyyyyyyy -> FAIL' e.g. for the 'applix import'. 

I tried a 'manual test' with 'data - import -'' and get some test sheets with more or less meaningful content, the only problem i see are the 'date' values on sheet 'B', showing '#################################'.

A little trial and error resulted in gnumerid having problems with date values beyond
'9999-12-31 23:59:59,99', which is corresponding to a numeric value of
 ~2958465,9999999935, but the imported data tries to display a date for the slightly larger value of
123456787 .

Besides not expecting ever to see or in any way need such dates ... the question cames up if that ever worked, and 'if' then what's changed to fail now ...

best regards, TIA for any help,


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