[michael uplawski uplawski eu: R e: [Excel-comptibility] References to empty “date -cells”]

copy of the ill adressed original message.

----- Forwarded message from Michael Uplawski <michael uplawski uplawski eu> -----

Subject: Re: [Excel-comptibility] References to empty “date-cells”
From: Michael Uplawski <michael uplawski uplawski eu>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:53:25 +0100
To: Morten Welinder <mortenw gnome org>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.24+27 (c799162691b2) (2015-08-30)

Good afternoon.

On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 01:49:28PM -0500, Morten Welinder wrote:
The language that Gnumeric implements is, by and large, set in
stone.  We can extend, for example with extra functions, but
changing the core language is not in the cards.

Then, can there be a hint on how I recognize existing or inexistent
functionality that depends or would depend on the core language? I do
not want to make anybody in the development team scrutinize the
potential each time that something is anyway “not in the cards”.

But now, I cannot propose any more ideas and feel bad about discovering
suboptimal program behavior. 


S'il faut être quelque chose, je suis Rémie Fraisse. 
GnuPG brainpoolP512r1/5C2A258D 2015-10-02 [expires: 2017-10-01]
Michael Uplawski <michael uplawski uplawski eu>
fingerprint: 2A44 09D4 54B4 EBD2 90DA  0B2D E8B8 0614 5C2A 258D
sub   brainpoolP512r1/53461AFA 2015-10-02 [expires: 2017-10-01]

----- End forwarded message -----

S'il faut être quelque chose, je suis Rémie Fraisse. 
GnuPG brainpoolP512r1/5C2A258D 2015-10-02 [expires: 2017-10-01]
Michael Uplawski <michael uplawski uplawski eu>
fingerprint: 2A44 09D4 54B4 EBD2 90DA  0B2D E8B8 0614 5C2A 258D
sub   brainpoolP512r1/53461AFA 2015-10-02 [expires: 2017-10-01]

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