[Gnumeric] How to suppress zeros?

Good morning,

currently I apply a custom format to make zeros blend in with the
background, by applying the same color to both.

How do you do it?

As there are spreadsheet-programs which offer a more direct approach to
suppress zeros in a table, I may have overlooked the function in
Gnumeric but currently cannot find it or am too dumb to find it. While
writing this I do actually wonder, if it is worth the effort. Mayby I
should argument that a change of the background-color or alternating
background-colors should not oblige me to manipulate my
format-definition in a special way.

Thank you anyway,


GnuPG/OpenPGP  4096R/3216CF02 2013-11-15 [expires: 2015-11-15]
Michael Uplawski (privat) <michael uplawski uplawski eu>
sub   4096R/2751C550 2013-11-15 [expires: 2015-11-15]

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