Re: [1.12] countif(range, expression) unimplemented

Good evening Tim, and good evening List.
On 17.05.2013 23:32, Tim Schofield wrote:

I think it should have read:


Unfortunately, I have tried both (and more).

note the comma, not the semicolon. At least that works for me.

The result remains the same. Also, if you ignore the semicolon, I really
proceded like in my original post. Gnumeric itself should know how to
construct the formula. ;-)

In the meantime, I have written two python functions, one for "count in
rows" and one fo "count in columns" as the ranges are not comfortable to
work with. These functions replace countif, at least in the current context.

As regards the missing countif in 1.12.1, I have posted the question to
the french Ubuntu forum. For the time, nobody has really answered in a
way which could clarify, if the error is specific to the Ubuntu-package
in 13.04.

I might try the same in the german and the english forums. Re-installing
from the resources of the Linux-distribution has not changed anything.

Good night,



On 17 May 2013 13:36, <bat guano don blech e4ward com
<mailto:bat guano don blech e4ward com>> wrote:

    trying to count all occurences of "x" in a line, I chose from the
    function-dropdown "mathematics", then countif and completed the formula
    The result is an error "function implementation unavailable". The
    message is translated from the German locale that I use but should be
    all in all identic in English.

    I do not ask for a fix, as I am quicker writing the missing function in
    Python. ;-)



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