Trouble getting 30 decimal places

Can someone else try this and see if they get the same results I do. I'm using Gnumeric Spreadsheet 1.10.16

Format a cell to 30 decimal places and enter =1/sqrt(2)
I get 0.707106781186547460000000000000 which rounds after 17 places instead of 30.

I also went to WolframAlpha and calculated 1/√2 to 30+ places;
0.7071067811865475244008443621048490392848359376884740 but after keying this in directly Gnumeric still rounds it to
0.707106781186547570000000000000 as soon as I hit the enter key. 

Is there a setting somewhere that I can set to get Gnumeric to use all of the 30 of the places it displays instead of rounding to 17 places and padding the remainder with zeroes?



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   Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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