Re: test required

On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 17:48 +0800, bill lam wrote:
mar, 29 Dec 2009, Andreas J. Guelzow skribis:
Current git prints bitmap versions of sheet widgets (radio buttons,
check buttons, scroll bars, ...)

This uses some untested gtk features. It appears to work fine with gtk
2.18.5. We need to know whether it also works with 2.14 to 2.15.4.

So if you have a recent git version of gnumeric and one of those
versions of gtk, could you let us know whether you crash gnumeric when
previewing a page containing a sheet widget.



Could you upload a sample worksheet for testing?

just create a checkbox on an empty sheet. It should not matter which
widget is used.



Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow pyrshep ca>

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