Re: Question on working with TEXT function

Jean Bréfort <jean brefort normalesup org> writes:

Le dimanche 20 juillet 2008 à 14:21 +0200, Berthold Höllmann a écrit :
Why is this formula invalid:

 =text(index(w!A:A;v!$A220+1;1;1),index(w!B:B;v!$A220+1;1;1);"00 00")
I don't understand why you use the comma just above. If you want to
separate two arguments, you need to use ';' in german locale, and in all
cases the text function takes only two arguments.

I hoped text would accept an arbitrary number of values to be
formatted. I now use concatenate to get the wanted result.


 =text(1,1;"00 00")

I misinterpretd the outcome of this.





are all valid? Is this a bug im my older gnumeric version (1.7.11) or
am I doing something wrong?


Thank You

A: Weil es die Lesbarkeit des Textes verschlechtert.
F: Warum ist TOFU so schlimm?
F: Was ist das größte Ärgernis im Usenet?

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