Re: Gnumeric ignores locale for dates

On 20/06/07, Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow math concordia ab ca> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-19-06 at 22:58 +0200, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> > > You are not the first to report a locale problem when running gnmeric in
> > > the KDE desktop. Please, verify the locale passed to gnumeric with the
> > > getenv sheet function:
> > > =getenv("LC_ALL")

Could you please answer this question! The locale you see in a terminal
window might differ from that seen by gnumeric!

I looked in /proc/$(pidof gnumeric)/environ

If I enter:


This results in: nl_NL.UTF-8

If I enter:


This results in N/A.

$ cat /proc/$(pidof gnumeric)/environ

As you can see, this includes LANG=nl_NL.UTF-8 and LC_TIME=nl_NL.UTF-8.

If I set export LC_ALL=nl_NL.UTF-8 and I repeat the experiment, then I
get from =getenv("LC_ALL"): nl_NL.UTF-8. However, the issue described


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