Re: Median: Oasis and Fast Sorting Algorithm

On 10/02/2007 10:10 AM, Leonard Mada wrote:
Well, the OASIS formula has a big problem with situations like the following:
data set is: 1,1,1. So the list contains 4 values of 1.

Looks like 3 to me, not 4. One of us has a big problem with the counting algorithm :-)

So, the median is the middle value, BUT there is really just one value repeated 3 times.

So who cares? The median value is 1. Is your alternative going to return some value other than 1 ????

Or consider the following list: 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4. So the calculation of the median does take just 2 of the 3 values of 2, which is a little bit ambiguous.

(2+2)/2 == 2. (2+2+2)/3 == 2. I see no ambiguity here.

Which one is the middle value? Are 2 two's more middle than the 3rd two?

Again, who cares *which* two? Is your alternative going to return some value other than 2 ????

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