Re: UTF-8 problem (XLS)

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 23:33:30 -0600
"Andreas J. Guelzow" <aguelzow pyrshep ca> wrote:

Are you useing the configurable text exporter or the defaults csv? If
you use the latter give the former a try and choose the desired
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the reply. Apparently, the strange characters in the original
xls file were because the person who sent it to me, somehow imported data
from a DOS file, and the characters were of the OEM_437 or OEM_850 sets.
Those characters were somehow accepted, and appeared in the XLS as
completely unrelated UTF-16.

I'm suspecting he/she imported CSV info into Excel, and the charset was
not converted from DOS to Windows.

Thanks - I'll have to invent some way to convert the XLS to the correct
character set - suggestions accepted!


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