Saving data with types not available in gnumeric

Hi again,

I'm still working on the paradox file save support which is mostly
ready execpt for a rather general problem concerning cell types
available in the export format but not in gnumeric. This maybe 
relevant for other formats as well (e.g. xbase).
Let me make an example.
Paradox has 3 different field types to save a date/time.
One for dates only, one for times only and one for both. gnumeric
isn't actually aware of time/date at all. It's a just floating point
Now, I wonder if there is any way to tell if a certain cell is
actually a date or time? I suppose there isn't.
In that case, I would like to discuss a way to keep the original
field format in the first line of the sheet, just as alreayd done
wtth name.
A 30 character string field with the name 'column1' would e.g.
result in 'column1,C,30'.
I'm not sure, but I think this is the way openoffice does it for
xbase files.
Any comments.


  MMK GmbH, Fleyer Str. 196, 58097 Hagen
  Uwe Steinmann mmk-hagen de
  Tel: +2331 840446    Fax: +2331 843920

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