The user's manual for 1.6

Hey all,

I gather that there may be an upcoming release of gnumeric 1.6. Perhaps
I have been far enough out of the loop that I have missed an email/web
page/cvs file describing the schedule. I do wish, if such a document
exists, that it could be mentioned periodically on this list as we come
up to these milestones.

If the release goes out by mid-month, I won't be able to spend my usual
two weeks working on updating the docs, sorry. 

My suggestion for the 1.6 release would be to release the docs as
version 1.4, that is as they currently are. I could be persuaded to
change the version string but it seems that releasing with obviously
dated documentation would let users reading the manual realize they do
not have current documentation. 

Other than that I would be prepared to spend a day or so on the docs if
you have a good suggestion for priorities which would really help.

Congrats on approaching another milestone,


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