Gnumeric will branch after 1.4.2

I'd like to release 1.4.2 next Monday and then branch 1.5.x
Translators and testers please give things a poke before then.

    Translators it would be really nice to get the menu mnemonic
    warnings patched before things branch.  I've got lists of the
    problems in
        az_AZ   bg_BG   ca_ES   cs_CZ   da_DK
        de_DE   el_GR   es_ES   et_EE   fi_FI
        ga_IE   gl_ES   he_IL   hr_HR   hu_HU
        it_IT   ko_KR   lv_LV   ms_MY   nl_NL
        nn_NO   no_NO   pa_IN   pl_PL   pt_BR
        pt_PT   ro_RO   sk_SK   sr_YU   sv_FI
        tr_TR   vi_VN   zh_TW

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