Re: patch for inserting raw latex command to gnumeric for exporting latex files

Alan Horkan wrote:

I had a very quick look at the patch and it mentions that the LaTeX is
included in the output with no escaping

Could the whole block by escaped using the XML tag for proccessing
instructions <? like these ?> as these are processing instructions if
I'm not mistaken or am I missing something?
Actually, I choose '\L{' and '}' as escaping string for no good reason, and I didn't investigate into gnumeirc deeply, so I don't know which tags should be more elegant for instructions processing for gnumeric. you pointed out that <? and ?> are processing instructions, but whose instructions? XML's or gnumeric? I don't know XML well either.

Actually, the patch is so simple that you can modify it to change the escaping string very easily


Alan Horkan

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On Sat, 20 Nov 2004, Shixin Zeng wrote:

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 17:17:01 +0800
From: Shixin Zeng <shixinzeng sjtu edu cn>
To: gnumeric list <gnumeric-list gnome org>
Subject: patch for inserting raw latex command to gnumeric for exporting
   latex files

Hi, all
Is there anybody can remember that I had asked how to insert raw latex
command in gnumeric for exporting latex?
Some people on this list told me that no way. Now I implement it myself
and the patch is attached(latex.patch).
Best regards
Shixin Zeng

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