Re: CSV files : huge performance issue...


First post here, not sure if this is the right place, if it's for
users or developpers, but I couldn't find a Gnumeric specific web
forum so here I am.

It's the right place for discussion about gnumeric, for users and

I ran into a huge problem today when (trying to) working on a 'CSV'
file. No problem to import it, works like a charm. However doing
anything with the data proves EXTREMELY slow. So slow that it's
actually not useable. My file is not big, only 1 MB, and contains
about 800,000 cells (40 columns and 20,000 lines), but creating a
graph takes quite some time, simply getting a preview of the graph
when clicking on the "preview" button takes 3 to 5 seconds I would

If it takes only 3 or 5 seconds, I guess it's a xy plot. Line plots are

We have a serious performance problem that lies in the use of libart for
rendering. We get nice outputs with it, but it's very slow. We plan to
drop libart for cairo, expecting speed improvement, but currently
performance with a lot of data is rather poor.

This is fair enough, you only do it once. However once the graph is
created and put on top of the cells/spreadsheet, if I want to "drag"
it somewhere with the mouse, it takes about 15 seconds to move by 3 or
4 cells...

That's not expected. Each graph are rendered and cached in a pixbuf,
moving them is expected to be quite fast.

Which version do you use ?

What would be great is that you provide us a sample file. Could you open
a new bug against gnumeric/charting in, and
attach there the sample file ?

It's as is whatever I am trying to do with the mouse, gnumeric
processess the entire 800,000 cells, instead of affecting only the 100
or so cells taht are atually visible at a given time, in the document
window. Am I right in this assumption ?   Also, saving the file into
Gnumeric format took about 5 to 10 minutes of hard work for the hard
drive... :-/
What puzzles me is that last time I worked on such files, it was with
MS Excel, and it was lightening fast, opening, creating graphs,
manipulating data, moving graphs around, saving the file, everytinhg
seemed fast and effortless. So the machine is not at fault. Why is
Gnuméric so slow ? Considering Gnuméric aims (I think ?) to be as good
as Excel, can I hope that this major issue will be investigated, or is
already under investigation ? 

This issues will surely be investigated...


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