Importing HTML directly from a page (for dynamic content)


An interesting feature of excel is the possibility to perform a WEB
QUERY, that is: The user writes a URL in a dialog, IE is loaded in
another WINDOW with the content of the URL loaded and SPECIAL Marker
added to select one or more table from the page.

Excel imports the html data in the selected tables, it is also able to 
refresh the data, i.e. to reimport the (eventually new) html page for
example every 10 minutes.

I'm using this feature to track my stock quotes and to perform analysis
on their trend. This is the only feature that I miss from excel.

I would like to understand if it is possible to implement this feature
directly or (better) as a plug-in and if it is possible to re-use the
html-parsing code that is just present.

        Antonio Caruso.

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