Re: Linking to a stock market price feed.

        I'm also interested in this as well.  Is it possible to 
use the python plugin to pull down pricing from Yahoo Finance
perhaps?  I was also interested in building a datasource that
uses Rendezvous to pull down real-time pricing from a distribution
platform (a la RMDS or TIB).

On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 17:05, Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 01:14:40PM -0800, Mel Seder wrote:
I'd like to build a gnumeric sheet to go out and load the price cells
with up to the second data.

Is there a free one or is there an inexpensive one available that would
work with gnumeric?
The infrastructure is there in gnumeric to support it.  However, the
only 'feed' we have a plugin for is a sample version that just reads
keys and value from a named pipe and makes the updates available in
the sheet.  You could use that in conjunction with some of the
existing python/perl modules that pull data off of the web.

Debian has 'libfinance-yahooquote-perl'  There are sure to be
others.  It's not a true realtime data feed, but the limitation is
not technical.  we dont have licenses to reuters or bloomberg.
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