Re: help (with Bessel)

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 11:10, Uri David Akavia wrote:
Ah, but that is not what bessely(4.5,6) in XL, gnumeric, and OO stands
bessely(4.5,6) is the value of the Bessel function Y of order 6 for

So replacing the order of the numbers should give the result he got in
Mathlab, right? This isn't the case.
bessely(6,4.5) gives you 0.09839.
Am I missing something?
gnumeric and XL (and probably OO) do not do fractional orders. So
bessely(6,4.5) really calculates bessely(6,4). This is documented in the
function description.


Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow taliesin ca>

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