Re: new developer

Thanks Emmanuel. 

I'm still not quite there. Someone let me know if this is the wrong list,
but I'm having a couple of problems.

1. Gnumeric in sid won't update via "apt-get," complaining about libgal.
   I've filed a bug report through debian reportbug.

I would like to develop a python plugin to run an external program on the
data. In response to a previous post, Jody said the development version
should have what I need. So I've grabbed the Gnumeric source, both from
the head and the release.

2. In the source, both release and head don't have "configure" although
   INSTALL claims they should. I'm trying to use
   Is this appropriate? It generates strange errors like complaining
   that it can't do X when cross-compiling (?!)

Charles R. Twardy, Postdoc,     Monash University, School of CSSE
ctwardy at alumni indiana edu   +61(3) 9905 5823 (w)  5146 (fax)

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