arrow keys don't work right...

Sorry to bother you guys with a simple problem, but I don't know where
else to turn. I'm using gnumeric 1.0.6 and when I try to use the arrow
keys to move from cell to cell, they instead move the view scrolling the
entire spreadsheet. I thought this might be a problem with sawfish and
some erroneous key binding but I didn't see any which bound the arrow
keys. I'm using RH 7.3 with gnome...

####[ Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]###########################
Sub : DOS to Unix conversion (#6)                    LOST #218
If you have vim editor installed, the following script will do 
a DOS to Unix conversion:
#!/bin/sh                           # Save d2u, chmod +x d2u
vim -c ":set ff=unix" -c ":wq" $1   # Usage: d2u filename.txt
####<binand cysphere com>#####################################
                                                 _     _
       \|/                                     o' \,=./ `o
       @-@     (o o)
work:  slmingol jake8us org             home:  sam jake8us org              

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