[Fwd: request for GNUmeric in ps or pdf]

Hi guys:
can anyone answer this email? Unfortunately, on my machine docbook2pdf
conversion is broken, so i can't do it myself... 

--- Begin Message ---
Dear Alexander!

After visiting your Linux-application-developing pages I would kindly ask you about GNUmeric manual in pdf or ps formats. It is widly represent elsewhere in many ways to read it and use it, but not as a pdf (ps) files. I've just started with it and I would like to study it in my way, reading the entire manual. Could you inform me about links where GNUmeric manual (any version) is avilable for downloading? Or if you have it as a file I will be very grateful to you for sending it.

Thank you in advance.

With best regards,

Dr. Andrei Borodich.

Working address:

Dr. Andrei Borodich
IWR - Biocomputing
Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368
69 120  Heidelberg

phone:  6221 - 54 88 06
e-mail: andrei borodich iwr uni-heidelberg de

--- End Message ---

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