hello there

hello all,

i just read a posting that the next release is soon... so i thought best
to submit my bug report now, sorry if it has already been recognised, or
even if it is a bug.... the "close" (Ctrl+W) acts exactly like "quit"
(Ctrl+Q) when there is only one open file... is it supposed to act like
this? i kept cursing myself for quitting when all i wanted to do was
close all open sheets to start afresh, most other apps would have a
blank screen when all sheets have been closed.... but anyway, its just a
picky thing.... i haven't really used GNUmeric since the 0.6 days, or
somethign liek that, and moving to 1.0.6 really _really_ impressed me!
i've usually just resorted to writing small c programs to handle data,
but now i can do it graphically, i'm well impressed!

btw, are there any plans to handle pixmap graphs like kmatplot? or is it
more up to bonobo/guppi development?

thanks very much for an excellent app!
If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs,
then the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

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