Re: Sharing Files

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 10:37:32AM -0500, Tom Cross wrote:

User1 opens a XLS file that they use to tally certain daily amounts. 
User1 makes their edits and saves & exits from the file.

User2 opers the same file and the columns have all expanded to annoying
sizes.  User2 spends way too much time reformatting the document before
they can print it.

According to them it's a daily occurrence.   Platform is RedHat 7.2 with
Ximian GNOME installed and fully upgraded.

I guess I'm posting mostly to find out if anyone else has any other
problems like this??

I have not heard of anything like this before.
Would it be possible to get a sample of the file and a screen shot
from each machine to see the discrepancy ?  XLS save column widths a
fractions of a character width which requires that we know what
windows thinks the width of a character is for various fonts.

Its possible if you are using something odd that one machine has the
font and another does not ??  I'm pulling things out of the air


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