Re: Cant make graph !

On Sun, Mar 17, 2002 at 18:03:58 +0000, T'aZ wrote:
** WARNING **: 'Nothing matched the requirements.' : while attempting to activate a graphing component.
oaf-run-query "repo_ids.has('IDL:GNOME/Gnumeric/Graph_v2/Manager:1.0')"
should return a value.

what did i do wrong ?

Apparently you don't have guppi (
installed. Gnumeric "outsources" graph work to guppi.

These days we're all supposed to believe that everyone's opinion is equally
valid, but sometimes you just have to stand up and say "Your opinion is
wrong, and here is why, in overwhelming detail.";sid=2000/10/1/21448/7653

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