Re: Transition from 1.0.4 to 1.0.7 broke xls file importability

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 05:10:54PM -0700, scottw cylant com wrote:
.xls format.  Today, I upgraded to Gnumeric 1.0.7 (by building it
from source).  ./configure data below[1].  Gnumeric 1.0.7 can not
read this file.  Here is the message I get:
    smoke:/net/home/scottw/companies/direct/JPL> gnumeric JPL-Darwin-Contract-Cost-Breakdown-MCS.xls

    Bonobo-WARNING **: Syntax error in ''
    JPL-Darwin-Contract-Cost-Breakdown-MCS.xls:1: error: Start tag
    expect, '<' not found

Don't worry it is no where near a bad a you think.
    Tools -> Plugin Manager
    Enable Excel plugin :-)

There is a bug that we have never manager to track down that
sometimes disables plugins when you upgrade.

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