Re: curve fit with guppi in gnumeric

Reuben D Budiardja wrote:

On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:10 am, you wrote:

The short answer is you can't yet.

When gnumeric finally gets the graph componnent working, linear fits
will be possible to implement and may or may not actually be
implemented. I don't think this was ever meant to be a more general
fitting functionality but Jon would be the person to ask.

To not implement the linear fits, or any other polinomial fits in that matter, would be such a shame. If it had been proven to be possible to implement, why not? Sure, everything takes time. But so far, I have not seen a good spreadsheet with a user friendly plotting tools in linux. Sure there are some plotting tools available as stand alone, but to have it combine with a spreadsheet will be much greater advantage.

And please don't tell me to use staroffice. I choose gnumeric as spreadsheet anyday than staroffice. I think gnumeric is the best spreadsheet now. What it needs is the best plotting capabilities.

There is no doubt in my mind that the graphing components you are looking for will be implemented rather sooner than later. In my opinion this is the most significant item in which Gnumeric still has to catch up to XL.

Having said that, the completion of the gnome2 port is inth emoment top priority and graphing will have to wait until that has been completed.

In fact since linear regression is already well implemented there is really no "fitting functionality" needed in the graphing component rather than just the ability to show additional curves.


Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow

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