Re: What does _( do to a string?

Quoting "Russell, Patrick" <patrick russell lmco com>:

Hello All,
 I was digging through some of the gnumeric impot/export routines and
noticed that some of the string values appear with _( ) around them,
An example of this is at the bottom of the file
/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/gnumeric(whatever build)/src/stf.c.  It
desc = _("CSV File import");

Hi Patrick,

_() and N_() are part of gettext, the standard GNU tool for translation (i18n).

In code, you might see _("color"), which is an en-US string. At runtime, this 
might translate the string to "Farbe" if your locale is de-DE, or "colour" if 
you're in en-GB.


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