
I grabbed all the latest sources to bonobo/guppi/gnumeric and their
dependencies and compiled guppi --with-gnumeric and gnumeric

Everything compiles fine - I run gnumeric-bonobo but
hitting graph-guru whirs the HDD a lot but nothing happens
inserting any kind of object just whirs the harddrive and nothing happens

steve turing:~$ gnumeric-bonobo --version
Gnome gnumeric 0.64
steve turing:~$ bonobo-sample-hello --version
Gnome bonobo hello 0.37
steve turing:~$ guppi --version
Gnome Guppi 0.35.3

one thing if I run 
steve turing:~$ guppi-gnumeric 

I get:

ERROR: readline is not provided in this Guile installation

hmmmmmmmmm am I looking at a guile problem?

ta for any help

have fun,

SteveC steve fractalus com stevecoast hushmail com

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