Re: why no one anwsers my question?

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Phillip Shelton wrote:

Having just fired up Excel, the function you want is indirect()

That's what I tried, but it doesn't work the way I need. At least I cannot
make it to. I used indirect for that in StarOffice, and it worked. Then I
exported to Excel file, and imported the excel file in Gnumeric. And
indirect doesn't work the same way as in Staroffice/Excel, and I cannot
manage it to. 

Indirect in Gnumeric only allows me to have a single cell reference
converted form text, and I need a range.

Like I need to get:


to put that into match(). "bank" is a string in A2. 

I asked once, but nobody anwsered. This should be a simple thing:

How can I include some cell's value as text in a reference as a sheet

In cell C4 I need to have the value taken in some cell on the 
sheet which name is in as text in C3. How to do that?

Miernik              _____________________________________
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