Re: Data Analysis tools

On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 11:03:45AM -0600, Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:

(a)  The function guru allows the user to click on the data sheet to 
select ranges of cells and to enter that information in the selected box 
of the guru. THe data analysis tools do not allow that (and it is really 
annoying having to type in those ranges). Is this planned to be changed?

Yes, definitely.  The data analysis dialog was written before we had
a nice interface for the range selection.  Thanks to JonKare's hard
work we now have a nice easy to use widget that handles it.
However, we have not retro fitted it into the analysis dialog yet.
(b) The two-factor ANOVA with replication is incomplete (and has been 
for a while), the ANOVA table is not being filled out. Is anybody 
working on that or would mind if I give it a try to complete that code?

That code is not under active development any improvements you have
would be appreciated.


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