RE: AccrInt

Thats Ok.

My copy of XL does not seem to have a function called accrint though.


-----Original Message-----
From: gnumeric-list-admin gnome org
[mailto:gnumeric-list-admin gnome org]On Behalf Of Morten Welinder
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:12 AM
To: shelton11 dingoblue net au
Cc: gnumeric-list gnome org
Subject: Re: AccrInt

The gnumeric functions are intended to do the same as the 
XL functions.  Sometimes that means they will behave a little weirdly,
but that is a matter of documentation.

Pop in on irc ( port 6666 channel #gnumeric) if you want
to discuss things.  The turn-around time is less than the mailing


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