Gnumeric 1.0.0

Gnumeric 1.0.0 aka 'Embrace' is now available.

    After almost 3.5 years of development and months of testing, the team
    is happy to release an officially stable version of Gnumeric, GNOME
    Office's spreadsheet.

    Let us emphasise _Stable_.  In the last 11 months Gnumeric has received
    bug reports from all over the world.  Of those there are :
      - 0 crashes remaining
      - 0 data corruptions remaining
      - Approximately 30 priority improvements
      - Approximately 70 enhancement requests
    From one side, our dedicated team of testers (Thanks Chema, Adrian, &
    JPablo) have beaten this release until their knuckles were bloody.
    From the other, Morten's unrelenting application of 'Purify' has
    ensured that there are no known memory leaks either.  The bug bounty
    offered on the last few releases has yielded only 10 happy drinkers.

    Weighing in at ~200,000 lines of code Gnumeric offers well tested
    import facilities from several proprietary and free spreadsheets
    including MS Excel (tm), Lotus 1-2-3 (tm), Applix (tm), Psion, Sylk,
    XBase, Oleo, and HTML.  It can also export to MS Excel (tm) along with
    several open formats such as LaTeX \longtables, HTML, and roff.
    Rounding out the i/o routines is a highly configurable text
    importer/exporter to ensure that data can be transfered smoothly.  New
    formats can easily be added in a modular fashion via a plug-in.

    Gnumeric has 361 spreadsheet functions, 17 analysis tools, and 2
    solvers.  The majority are MS Excel (tm) compatible, but there are
    several (eg number theory and financial derivatives) that are unique to
    Gnumeric.  Most MS Excel (tm) functions are supported (298 out of 316).
    Although a few financial functions with insufficient documentation are
    still unimplemented.  Contributions are welcome.

    Gnumeric's internal architecture has gone through several revisions and
    should handle moderately large spreadsheets (~ 1M cells) comfortably,
    even on older hardware.  There plans for future improvements but the
    1.0.x line should be light and fast for most uses.

    Graphs are a relatively recent addition to Gnumeric but there is
    already support for MS Excel (tm) import.  Using Guppi (via Bonobo) to
    display the graphs has resulted in gorgeous anti-aliased layout.  We've
    barely scratched the surface of Guppi's feature set, and there are many
    usability improvements to come.

* Thanks

    Ximian Inc has sponsored Gnumeric in one way or another since Miguel
    hatched the concept back in the dawn of time.  The project would not
    have been possible without their support and the contributions of so
    many Ximian employees.

    Jon Trowbridge (another Ximian monkey) has done superb work on Guppi.

    Beyond the individuals listed explicitly in the credits thanks are owed
    to the many people who have contributed patches during Gnumeric's
    development.  Here is a list of those whose names showed up in our
    ChangeLogs.  If I missed you please accept my apology.

    : Abel Cheung, Ade Lovett, Akira Higuchi, Alastair McKinstry, Alex
    Barnes, Andreas J. Guelzow, Andreas Voegele, Andrew Chatham, Birger
    Langkjer, Changwoo Ryu, Christophe Merlet, Christopher Fairbairn, Cody
    Russell, Cort Dougan, Dan Damian, Dan Winship, Daniel Risacher, Darin
    Adler, David Chan, Dean Scott, Dom Lachowicz, Elliot Lee, Ettore
    Perazzoli, Fatih Demir, Federico Mena Quintero, Francisco Bustamante,
    Frederic Devernay, Frodo Looijaard, Gregory Leblanc, Gregory McLean,
    Havoc Pennington, Heath Martin, Ian Campbell, Jacob Berkman, Jaka
    Mocnik, James Henstridge, James R. Van Zandt, James Youngman, Jarl van
    Katwijk, Jeff Garzik, Jeffrey Stedfast, Jesus Bravo Alvarez, Joe
    Sakosky, John N S Gill, Karl Eichwalder, Karsten Weiss, Kevin Handy,
    Kjartan Maraas, Lauris Kaplinski, Lutz M?ller, Maciej Stachowiak,
    Manish Singh, Manish Vachharajani, Marin Purgar, Martin Baulig, Martin
    Norb?ck, Martin Sheppard, Matt Bissiri, Matt Loper, Matt Wilson,
    Matthias Warkus, Michael Levy, Mike Kestner, Nat Friedman, Nathan
    Cullen, Nick Lamb, Nuno Ferreira, Owen Taylor, Pablo Saratxaga, Paolo
    Molaro, Peter Moulder, Peter Wainwright, Phillip J Shelton, Raja R
    Harinath, Richard Hestilow, Richard Hult, Robert Brady, Robert Meeks,
    Rodrigo Moya, Rodrigo Stulzer Lopes, Sebastian Wilhelmi, Sergey Panov,
    Stephen Wood, Thomas Meeks, Tim Mooney, Timur I. Bakeyev, Tom Tromey,
    Tomas Ogren, Tristan Tarrant, Tung Nguyen, Valek Filippov, Valerie A
    Henson, Vlad Harchev, Wayne Schuller, Yuan-Chung Cheng, Yuri Syrota,

    Many thanks to the translators too
    : Ain Vagula, Andras Timar, Andreas Hyden, Andrew V. Samoilov, Carlos
    Perells Marmn, Christian Meyer, Christian Rose, Christopher R. Gabriel,
    Dennis Smit, Duarte Loreto, German Poo Caamaqo, Gustavo Maciel Dias
    Vieira, Jarkko Ranta, Jvrgen Tegnir, Kai Lahmann, Kovacs, Leandro
    Noferini, Martin Norbdk, Ole Laursen, Olivier Jousselin, Roy-Magne Mo,
    Spiros Papadimitriou, Stanislav Visnovsky, Szabolcs BAN, Takeshi
    Aihana, Tiago Antao, Tino Meinen, T?ivo Leedj?rv, Vincent Renardias

* Future Plans

    The 1.0.x branch is considered stable and we intend to use a version
    scheme similar to the Linux kernel.  1.1.x will branch within the next
    few weeks and will move to the gnome2 platform with the goal of having a
    fairly short turn around for 1.2, and releasing soon after the gnome2

* Availability

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