Re: On the purpose of a LaTeX exporter


Unfortunately I am not a potential coder of these changes but I am
certainly a user.

On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Adrian Vance Custer wrote:

While LaTeX export is currently a "save as" option, I would distinguish the
capability to save a gnumeric workbook (which, to me, implies the ability to
restore from the same file) with the ability to export (only impling only the
ability to render the spreadsheet in a new format). The only use I see for a
LaTeX plugin is as this later function.

This I agree.

I do see the need for LaTeX exporter. The feature I would love to have
is ability to export part of a gnumeric spreadsheet as a LaTeX table.

I would like to have right/left/center alignement, different table
borders, bold/italic, colors and ability to write LaTeX formula like:
$\bar{f}_R^2$ or $\rho^+$. This is my minimum.

A good thing would be the

For instance, it might make sense to restrict LaTeX export to black and white

Please, no! We can use colortbl package.

Another question I have yet to resolve for myself is whether a cell with
a long text content, long enough that it is hidden by its right-hand neighbour
should be included fully or only included partially. 

fully. Though choice through creator would good.

WYSIWYG or make a table of the data? 

Table. WYSIWYG can always be done via PostScript.

Should columns be the width defined in the sheet or adaptable? (see
bug #20898) 

Slight preference for adaptable.

Do we attempt to handle fonts or simply use the LaTeX documented
chosen fonts? 

LaTeX fonts. Just bold/underline/italic.

the LaTeX exporter must be capable of fitting the table on a printed page (how
to handle huge tables is problematic. I'm going to have to check how LaTeX
pagebreaks large tables.

There are many packages to handle that, two included in teTeX are: 
longtable,supertabular. I would suggest picking one of those.

Best Regards,

Jacek Pliszka

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