Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Gnote 3.21.0 (unstable) released

On Sun, 2016-08-21 at 17:22 +0300, Aurimas Cernius wrote:
Two questions:
- Does Gnote 3.20 build fine using all remaining stuff the same?

3.20 built well on F25, but it doesn't build on rawhide as well. (I
just tested with a scratch build).

- Which version of Glibmm is used?

Namely, Glib::RefPtr should be automatically convertible to bool. It
might be a compatibility breaking change in Glibmm.

We've got: 

glibmm24 2.49.4-1.fc25 here. The complete list of packages in the
current compose is here:

I'm still investigating this - could be a change of GCC flags or the
sort too - it's bitten builds in the past. I'll let you know if I
figure it out first :)
Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"

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