Re: text and audio notes

Am 31.05.2013 22:38, schrieb Aurimas Černius:

My name is Oleksij Rempel and i'm linux kernel developer. I use gnote
and really like it. So thank you for your work!

I was working on gnome-sound-recorder: updating to gstreamer-1.0, doing
some more cleaning and refactoring work and integrating methadata. Now i
come to the stage where i think it should be integrated with some
management software...

After some discussion on #gnote with Luc Pionchon, we found that
workflow will decide what to do. So here is my:
mostly i use gnote and recorder for lectures:
- start recorder and gnote
- do some notices/anotations, add a timestamp to the text with ctrl+d
- if lecture is finished stop recording.
- if needed, do some transcription. Annotations will usually help to
find correct place.

Since my version of recorder will create file name based on timestamp
and even add ogg tag with exact time. It is relatively easy to find
correct place.
After discussion on irc we got idea to change time representation on
recorder. So it should be not stream time: start 00:00:00 - end
01:30:22; but exact time: start 10:20:30 - end 11:10:20. In this this
case it will be easy to sync with gnotes annotations.

For now, we did some changes in ogg specification to represent exact
DATETIME in ogg - which is needed for voice/note recordings. I also
added it to gstreamer-1.0. Probably even more updates will be needed.

It will be good if recorder will be integrated to gnote. Your comments
and ideas are welcome.

It comes to what specifically is required for integration. As I
understand, you want to track sound recordings in Gnote notes?
I image the need to have note(s) in Gnote with links to recorded sound
files. It can be done via Gnote D-Bus API, that is sound recorded just
can feed the data to Gnote and this would not require any changes in
Gnote at all.
Your described scenario more looks like a need to start/stop recorder
when in Gnote note and something like a link to recorded file is put
into a note, when done. This can be done by creating Gnote plugin.

I see no reason, why not. We just need to clarify, what we actually want
to achieve.

Status update after irc discussion:
- currently, integrating or conecting recorder with gnote will not bring any advantages. - best thing what can be done now, is text with timestamps and possibility to export it in kate[1] or some other compatible format. For example lrc[2] or srt

In this case, timestamped notes can be synchronised with audio or video recording.



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