Request for approval


Please, approve the following bugs:
Gnote does not build on with GTK+ 2.22 without this patch. I tested this on Ubuntu 10.10 RC. With patch applied it builds and works fine with both GTK+ 2.20 and 2.22.
These to are related. First makes addin preferences tab more like Tomboy one. Second makes addin categories localizable. You can see there are two different patches for each, as Hubert suggested using constants for addin categories (which is right, IMO). We should decide, whether we push this in for next release or not, because we need to give localizers some time (I'd recomment at least 1 week) to do their job.

We already have missed new release of Ubuntu and the new release of Fedora is also quite soon. If we are targeting the later, it's almost the time to decide on these bugs. There are other improvements waiting, but they are less urgent and can wait a bit.


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