Re: Gnome::UI::App force size?

Thanks to Michael's answer to my other question I found out that the following works great:
Gtk::Widget* pwidget = XmlGlade.get_widget("my_gnomeapp");
pwidget->get_windwo()->resize(width, height);

thanks again,


On 9/22/05, Eric Liprandi <eric liprandi gmail com> wrote:

I am trying save the size of the window for my application (in GConf)
and to force the size of the window to be restored to the same size next
time it is launched.

What is the proper technique to achieve this?

I was under the impression that Gnome::UI::App was derived from
Gtk::Window but I was apparently mistaken.

Glade was used to design the interface and a get_widget() is used to get
the widget representing the window (GnomeApp class in Glade).

I am trying to stay in "pure" C++ as much as possible and not use

Thanks in advance for the help.


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