Re: hiding a Gnome (bonobo) toolbar?

Thanks Michael,

When I think about it, it was kinda obvious... just needed someone else to point it out.
This actually helped me find out the answer for my other question.

Thanks a lot,


On 9/28/05, Michael J M Thomson <mjmt internode on net> wrote:
Eric Liprandi wrote:
> Hi again,
> For the same application as mentioned in my previous question (resizing
> Gnome::UI::App), would like to "hide" the toolbar.
> Once again, the interface was designed with Glade and therefore a
> BonoboDockItem was created to contain the toolbar.
> What is the proper way of get this BonoboDockItem and then hiding it?
> (not just the embedded toolbar).
> Thanks in again for the help,
> Eric.
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Just give the Bonobo::DockItem a name in glade, then retrieve it like you would
any other widget:
   Gtk::Widget *dockitem = glade_xml->get_widget("toolbar_dockitem");
   if (dockitem)

Or if you want the exact type (requires bonobouimm):
   using Gnome::Bonobo;
   Bonobo::DockItem *dockitem = dynamic_cast<Bonobo::DockItem*>(
   if (dockitem) {
       sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*statusbar, &Gtk::StatusBar::push),
                  "Hey, put me back!", 0));

Michael J M Thomson

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main(){int/* gcc matrix.c -o matrix */i=0,j,s[40]={0,},l[40];for(;;){s[i]||

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