Re: win32 port of libglademm doesn't work

Viktor Dick wrote:
Hey, Cedrig Gustin gave me the solution:
under Windows the order of compiler and linker flags matters.
So it is important to do give the LDFLAGS after the source files:
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(BIN) $(SRC) $(LDFLAGS)
and not

Yes, in Makefiles though it's better to separate the compiling and linking concerns, then only the compiler or linker flags would be needed instead of both at once. E.g.:

exename: main.o Foo.o Bar.o
	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(GTKMM_LIBS) $(BAZ_LIBS) -o $@
	$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $< $(GTKMM_CFLAGS) $(BAZ_CFLAGS) -o $@

It also helps to invoke 'g++' for compiling C++ source rather than 'gcc'. :) I'm surprised that works for you at all. (If I had a dollar for the number of times I've accidentally used gcc for compiling C++ tests, and been baffled by it spitting out errors when there shouldn't be any...)

...Of course, there's always autotools. ;)

Michael J M Thomson (mjmt|doom|patient0)

Knock knock, Neo...
main(){int/* gcc matrix.c -o matrix */i=0,j,s[40]={0,},l[40];for(;;){s[i]||

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