Re: win32 port of libglademm doesn't work

Viktor Dick wrote:
I found a port of libglademm, gtkmm etc. for win32 at

I wrote a simple program (without glademm/code generation, see attachments).
Under linux a simple 'make' does the job. It works fine. But under
windows 'make' gives the result you can see in make.out.

Who can help?

I have installed MinGW, MSYS, gtk-win32-devel-2.6.7-rc1,

P.S: I do not use autotools to keep the project clear.

Looks like incompatibilities between gtkmm and libsigc++, might want to check how recent your copy is of the latter. And your mingw version must be 3.4.x, the site mentions "libglademm is now built with g++-3.4.2" and compiler objects can be incompatible between releases. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Michael J M Thomson (mjmt|doom|patient0)

Knock knock, Neo...
main(){int/* gcc matrix.c -o matrix */i=0,j,s[40]={0,},l[40];for(;;){s[i]||(l[

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