[gnomemm] Gnomevfsmm wrapper problems...

Hey gnomemm'ers,
    After slaving over this for days, I have come to a point where I am utterly confused.
 I've been trying to wrap GnomeVFSMonitorHandle and I'm hitting a brick wall.  I modeled
it after DirectoryHandle, but I'm having problems with the SignalProxy_ class I have to
make.  It segfaults at line 58 of the attatched monitor-handle.cc.  If anyone out there
knows what to do (Murray??), please help!  I'm pulling my hair out!


P.S. To get this to compile into your gnome-vfsmm-2.0 library, just drop
monitor-handle.[h|cc] into libgnome/libgnomemm/ and modify the Makefile.am to have those
two files in its h and cc lists.  If you have any problems, I can provide a patchfile.

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Attachment: monitor-handle.h
Description: monitor-handle.h

Attachment: monitor-handle.cc
Description: monitor-handle.cc

Attachment: main.cc
Description: main.cc

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