Re: [gnomemm] libbonobo**mm linker errors

On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 19:53, James Richardson wrote:
> When comiling libbonobomm and libbonobouimm with ORBit 2.7.2 installed,
> I get lot's of warnings about ORBIT_IDL_SERIAL being redefined.

Could you show us the exact warnings.

> But still, the lack of the method POA_Bonobo::UIComponent::_get_name()
> being overriden causes libbonobouimm to not compile.

Yes, there seems to be some API breakage in Bonobo. That's very
surprising, but I'll investigate that elsewhere. For now, I have fixed
that for libbonobouimm in cvs.

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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