Re: [[gnomemm] Bakery question and suggestion]

Bryan Forbes <mxpxfifws yahoo com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>     I'm not sure if this is the right list, but I figured I'd give it a
shot.  I know
> bakery has it's own list, but no one has posted anything for a while. 

That's no reason for you to post about it here. Bakery is not part of

> Anyway, as you can
> see from the title of this email, I have one question and a suggestion
regarding bakery. 
> Is there a way to change where your bakery app stores its document history? 
I know
> there's a method App_WithDoc::get_conf_fullkey() which returns the path
> /AppName/key_provided.  It's a static method, but is it overrideable?  I
thought you
> could only override virtual methods, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, if you
can't override
> that method, I think that you should be able to do that so a developer could
store his or
> her keys and information wherever they choose (I want to put my stuff in
> like most other gnome apps).  Thanks in advance!
> -Bryan
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Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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