RE: [gnomemm] ANNOUNCE: libgnomeuimm 1.3.13

On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 20:30, Bradley Bell wrote:
> Hi, I'm confused as to why orbitcpp 1.3.x (and therefore libgnomeuimm 1.3.x,
> which wraps GNOME 2.0) depends on orbit 2.5.x, when orbit 2.5.x is part of
> GNOME 2.2.
> GNOME 2.2 packages are being intentionally kept out of debian at this time
> (see
> Therefore, orbitcpp 1.3.x has not been uploaded to debian, and therefore
> gnomemm is getting out-of-date.  One solution would be to convince the orbit
> maintainer to maintain 2 versions in parallel despite debian's
> "prohibition", but it would seem to make more sense if we were to change
> orbitcpp 1.3.x to use orbit 2.4.x.  Any ideas?

orbitcpp 1.3.x requires ORBit 2.5 for good reason. earlier versions of
ORBit do not supply the plug-in API.

So gnomemm targets GNOME 2.2, and that's life. GNOME 2.2 will be stable
at the end of january so this is a temporary problem.

In reality, ORBit 2.5 can be installed over the top of GNOME 2.0 with no
bad effects, but I would not expect debian to take even that risk. Maybe
individual debian users have the choice though - I don't know, I don't
use debian.

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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