RE: [gnomemm] nautilus property page

> From: Rene Drießel [mailto:gnome driessel de] 
> > Well, I think that that, and BonoboPropertyBag itself
> > 
> ag.html
> is C sugar.
> Maybe, like similar things in bonobo, it wraps a CORBA object. It might be
> bit like BonoboUI::Container, which we wrap already.
>In theory it is clear to me - There must be a call-back function (with
>the help of sigc++) which notifies a listener that a property has

Maybe. If so, you would want to look at a SignalProxy_* like the one used
for TreeView (or maybe TreeSelection) in gtkmm. But I would first
investigate the CORBA part of this.

> > I would really like you to investigate, and try to wrap it if necessary.
> I would like to code a patch but I have some problems to understand the
> generation process:
>     1. I have read the docs about gtkmmproc in the gtkmm source. But if
>        did not found anything about the scheme stuff in this docs (only
>        the *.ccg and *.h stuff).


> I don't know where to begin.

You need to see what the C code does. You need to see whether it is just
creating some more C-like API to the CORBA stuff. It might be more
appropriate to use the CORBA stubs/skels than to wrap the C wrapper. C++
CORBA stubs/skels are much more pleasant than C stubs/skels.

>     2. I did not found the class BonoboUI::Container only a class
>        UIContainer - is this what you mean?

Yes, sorry.

>     3. There was a compilation problem in the *.tar.gz from
>        source-forge and also in the cvs (If you like I can post the
>        error messages) - the gtkmm stuff compiles well.

Yes, please do tell us about problems. Please tell us exactly what versions
you are using.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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