RE: [GnomeMeeting-list] "Abnormal call termination"

Le mercredi 17 mai 2006 à 13:23 +0200, Josh Green a écrit :

> Thanks for the info.  I wouldn't be too hard on Gentoo though, its 100%
> unusable for those who configure it wrong ;)  Its only a matter of
> adding a USE flag for the Opal ebuild.  Which can be done like so (for
> those interested):
> echo "net-libs/opal debug" >>/etc/portage/package.use

That activates the debug build, which is not a good idea. Having trace
statements and a debug build are two very different things.

> Now that I got some useful debug output, I found a thread which sounds
> like the exact same issue.  I am also getting a massive amount of
> messages like:
> "RTP	STUN could not create socket pair"
> The thread for reference:
> So I think its a problem with the NAT router I'm using and the STUN
> implementation.  I'll try setting a different RTP port range using
> gconf, like one reply to that thread suggests.
> For reference, the router is a D-Link DI-824VUP+ and I'm connecting to
> it wirelessly with my laptop.

There is a workaround for that in CVS.

 _      Damien Sandras
//\     Ekiga Softphone:
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006    :
        SIP Phone      : sip:dsandras ekiga net
                         sip:600000 ekiga net

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