Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Nat traversal

On Monday 23 January 2006 17:53, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Le lundi 23 janvier 2006 à 09:19 -0500, Allan a écrit :
> > Thank you for your patience.
> >
> > I have almost succeeded in getting things working.  My son was able to
> > call me using Pulver Communicator on my FWD account.  He was able to
> > receive sound and video.  I was only able to receive sound, but audio
> > quality was excellent.
> >
> > When I called him, the audio quality deteriorated considerable but we
> > were both able to have audio and video.  So I'm getting closer but Pulver
> > Communicator locks up frequently so that's not really a solution.  The
> > world really needs the Windows version of Ekiga since as far as I know
> > Ekiga is the only VOIP program which is not tied to a specific service
> > and which allows the user to select his own account(s).
> I'm still disappointed and puzzled by all those problems due to your NAT
> router :(

Damien, in trying to track down the source of the NAT problem, I've looked at 
the advanced settings for my wireless modem and discovered that the 
RIProtocol is disabled.  Does Ekiga depend in any way on this protocol.

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